Jobs For Seniors Exist But Be Selective About The One You Take

            Jobs for seniors are quite plentiful.  Many employers find senior citizens to be ideal employees.  But, as we’ve said throughout this website, taking a job in retirement is something that should be carefully thought out.  Personally, I would absolutely hate getting a job at this point in my life, but I completely understand the need that exists for others.  Some have financial concerns and others are bored to death.  While I have more sympathy for those who need more money, I struggle with anyone who finds retirement to be boring.  But, in fairness, we will address both situations here.  Retirement should be enjoyed to the fullest and if working again needs to be a part of your existence, you should plan to make it as pleasant as you possibly can.  Let’s take a look at the need for more money first.

               To maximize your earnings, you should leverage your skills and experience as much as possible.  There are many jobs for seniors that will let you do this and, if you haven’t checked with your last employer, you should make that a starting point to see if a part-time situation can be set up.  You’ll have the best chance of making the most money in that way and, at least, you’ll know what you’re getting yourself into.  Of course, if you didn’t like the work or environment to begin with, you might want to consider another possibility.  Many people stay within the same field because it allows them to put their years of experience to use.  If money is not the top concern, it opens up many possibilities.


There Are Many Interesting Jobs For Seniors

There are many jobs for seniors in an area that you might have a passion for.  Some of our friends work in a job related to an interest that they have as a way to defray the cost of their hobby and to form new contacts or discover new ways to increase their knowledge or experience.  Someone we know who took up photography in retirement is an assistant for an expedition company.  He gets to see new places and he always brings his camera along.  Retirement is a great opportunity to do something that you couldn’t do when you had a job, and it can lead to some amazing things.  A couple of our friends started up little businesses and are having the time of their lives.  Could they survive only on their business income?  Probably not, but they are making extra money and doing it together and seem to be enjoying themselves greatly.  Their jewelry making enterprise allows them to set up in different markets and work their own schedule.  They have a website where they show their creations and link to suppliers for additional income.  Many retirees have found a website to be an ideal venue for their creative impulses.  It always comes as a surprise to them that you don’t need technical skills to have an online presence and income.  And learning is half the fun.


We know many people who have retired and just gotten so bored that they go out and get a job.  As we said before, there are many jobs for seniors, but we hope that boredom is not your reason for seeking employment.  Life is too abundant to be bored – at least in our opinion.  There were too many days in my working career when I would rather have been doing a hundred other things than being in a meeting or a conference call.  There were too many places I wanted to see and too many subjects I wanted to explore.  Of course, if a job is a way to get more money to do the things you want to do, I fully understand that.  My only piece of advice would be to align your employment with something that interests you.  It will make the job much more pleasant.  I strongly believe in the advice of Confucius to choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.  I was never able to find a job that fit that description.  What I didn’t realize was that there was another approach to take and that comes from Katharine Whitehorn who said that you should "find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for it."  It sounds simple but there is quite a bit of wisdom in that quote.  It is definitely the attitude to take if you’re looking for a job in retirement.  Life is too short not to be enjoyed fully.  Many people go through life doing what other people tell them to do.  Retirement is the time to do what you want to do.  It’s time to Enjoy Retired Life! 

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If you’d like to learn about earning a steady online income, please check out this possibility.

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