How Do You Make Extra Money
In Retirement?

The answer is that if you want to make extra money, you just make a commitment and get started because the truth is there are many different ways to create more income or bring more money into your life.  Your retirement years are no exception.  In fact, in some ways it’s easier because most retired people do not have a job.  Let’s also be clear that there is a difference between just bringing in more money and creating an income.  To bring in more money you can have a one time event such as a garage sale or an auction.  Creating an income, however, implies a process that will bring more money into your life on a regular basis.  This can be as simple as getting a job or having an investment that will pay you on a regular basis such as the rental of a house or a stock that pays dividends.

On this website we discuss many ways to make extra money in retirement and it is definitely one of my favorite subjects.  The best place to start is with a sound financial analysis to understand how critical the need is or if there is even a need to make money at all.  Everyone should know their current income level and their current expense level.  Hopefully, the income will exceed the expenses.  There is nothing wrong with wanting a little more money even if there isn’t a critical need.

It's Never A Bad Time To Make Extra Money!

The easiest way to make extra money in retirement is to sell something that you have.  In fact, many people believe that getting rid of your “stuff” from time to time is a good thing and, as almost everyone knows, one person’s “junk” is another person’s treasure!  If you have a lot of possessions that might be desirable, there is always the possibility of participating in a garage sale with other people.  Many retirement communities have events from time to time because this is such a popular activity and, as we said, who would object to the chance to make extra money in retirement from time to time?

You can also get a job if you do not have one already.  This is something I don’t think I could ever do but some people actually liked working for a living and missing it.  That’s perfectly fine.  Everyone should create the retirement of their dreams and, if working at a job is part of that, don’t be afraid to pursue that idea.  And don’t ever think that you’re too old either.  Senior citizens are one of the most dependable groups for many employers.  Even the fast food chains have come to appreciate the experience and work ethic that senior citizens bring to the table.  There is nothing wrong or shameful about getting a job to make extra money in retirement.  In fact, the more critical the need, the more likely this might be the way to go to solve your cash flow problems.

Remember, These Days You Can Run A Business
From Anywhere

Many retirees also consider starting a business.  This is especially true if some of their time is taken up watching their grandchildren, volunteering or a part time job. The whole idea of starting a business has changed dramatically over the years and it’s a great way to leverage your experience and, if you have a passion that you love to share, you’ll be surprised at how fast you can build a business that grows beyond your wildest expectations.  It might be a small store or space in someone else’s store or, very often, an online presence that operates all day and night week in and week out without you ever having to leave your home.  I believe creating a business online is the perfect business and an ideal way to make extra money in retirement.  Don’t be afraid to investigate it and, remember, you don’t have to be a technical whiz to make it happen.  There is so much help out there, I think it’s fair to say that almost anyone can create an online presence to help them make extra money in retirement.

The possibilities are nearly endless for creating an income.  If computers and the internet are not for you, becoming a teacher or facilitator in a hobby or sport that you love is also easier to achieve than you realize.  If you live in a retirement community, you have already have a target audience.  Running a yoga class or an exercise session can easily generate a few extra dollars.  Holding gardening or woodworking classes can be a great way to socialize and a great way to make extra money in retirement.

This website is designed to help people get creative when it comes to their golden years and never let finances be an obstacle to making the most of each and every day.  It’s time to Enjoy Retired Life!

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