As you approach the end of your retirement countdown, it’s only natural to have some moments of anxiety. On one hand, this is the time you’ve been working towards all of your life but, on the other, you’ll be entering a new period of your life with a lot more freedom. Some people have a little bit of trouble when there’s no structure in their life. This is not to say you can’t have structure, but if that’s what you’re looking for to give your life meaning, that structure will have to come from you.
It is a little surprising to me when I hear how many people struggle to fill the hours in their day. After working eight, ten or twelve hours a day at a job for three or four decades, it can be a very big change to wake up each morning with no place to go, no calls to make and no meetings to attend. As I worked my way through my retirement countdown, I had no apprehensions at all. I had a list of things that I wanted to do, topics and things I wanted to study and a list of places to travel that would take years to get through.
I’ve been able to keep my list going for the most part when it comes to things to do but, when it comes to our list of places to travel to, the pandemic has brought travel to a grinding halt. Even worse, it has dampened the desire a bit in terms of wanting work our way through the crowds in the face of social distancing requirements the whole world seems to be experiencing. As I clicked through the days of my retirement countdown, I had no idea that travel would become as restricted as it has.
Even worse, gathering as we once did is now something that has to be planned and done safely. We are in a different world. There’s no doubt about that. But that does not mean your world has to stop. When life hands you an obstacle you can let it stop you or accept it as a challenge and find a way to work around the problem. The pandemic has given rise to some incredible opportunities to doing more things from home than ever before. If you wanted to take a class or even give one, technology has advanced to the point where online learning is nearing the in-person experience. And social networking is going up a notch as well. No, seeing your grandchildren on a screen is not as good as giving them a hug in person but it has bridged the distance in a way that did not exist a generation ago.
Your retirement countdown probably didn’t include provisions for what to do during a pandemic but that does not mean you can’t have a wonderful retirement. While travel experiences may only be virtual at this point, you can start to research destinations and get ready when things return to normal. In the meantime, why not take a cooking class or a woodworking class or learn to play the piano. It’s all possible and will add immeasurably to your retirement.
Your retirement countdown took you through years and years of work and planning. It’s time to enjoy that time now. There is so much in life to enjoy, learn and experience. People should wake up not wondering what to do but wondering how can I fit all of the things I want to do into the day I have before me? Take the time to plan new experiences and new things to learn. Making the most out of every day is a sure way to Enjoy Retired Life.
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