Our Hudson Valley Retirement Has Been Wonderful

After looking in many different areas, we chose a Hudson Valley Retirement and could not be happier.  As we vacationed throughout the years, we were fortunate to travel to many beautiful locations but, as we considered where to retire, we kept coming back to the Hudson Valley.  For over forty years we had lived on Long Island in New York and our two children had settled down there.  For a long time, I knew Long Island was not what I was looking for and my wife was open to considering other locations as long as it met her primary requirement: to be within four hours of driving time to get back to the island.  Our Hudson Valley retirement spot met that need.

The good news is that it has turned out even better than we thought, and we've met a lot of other people who are quite happy with their Hudson Valley retirement. The mountains are beautiful, and it seems like you leave the city congestion behind almost as soon as you cross the Tappan Zee Bridge (now named after Mario Cuomo, a former governor of New York). We had come across a lovely community in Athens which is a small town just above Catskill in Greene County. During the 1970's a major real Estate Development Project created a mile and a half long man-made lake just west of the Hudson River. It has slowly filled in over the years and we bought our lot on Sleepy Hollow Lake in 2005 and started to plan our home when we retired in 2017.

Our Hudson Valley Retirement Has Given Us A
New Appreciation For Nature

Our Hudson Valley retirement quickly exceeded our dreams as we came back from our winter travels and moved in just as the pandemic hit in March of 2020. We quarantined in a new house with our daughter (who did not feel too safe on the island) and settled into a new way of life in an absolutely beautiful community. As the world started to emerge from their lockdown, we ventured out and discovered great restaurants and wonderful little towns. We've had visits from friends who have fallen in love with the area and we have developed a great appreciation for nature and the wild life we have up here.

Because of the pandemic, we were not able to travel south our first winter and we also have found great pleasure in the winter scenery that made the Christmas season even more special. Our Hudson Valley retirement has been one of the most exciting things we have done, and we are having a wonderful time exploring new places and making new friends. We took our time planning out our house and, indeed, choosing this as our ultimate location. It's very important to think about your expectations for retirement and plan this new stage of your life with Care. Even if a Hudson Valley retirement is not what you were thinking about, we would recommend a trip to this lovely Area where spring walks tell you the winter is over and apple cider donuts let you know autumn is in the air. It's a great place to Enjoy Retired Life.

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